Monday, 25 April 2011

Sunday, 10 April 2011


as I we all know, final's next week.really.really3~~....huh-.-''..feels like crying, but my eyes' dry.cannot cry at all..LOL..XD..
But still, I'll do my best.very all my 'kemalasan'..please,,please la, go away!syuhhhhhh3!!~..>.<..i want to gain's impossible(as the math tchr said 2 me--->about maths of course) but i want to make it possible.really2 want to. O Allah, I pray for Your help. Your guidance.please.its btween my life and death(hdup dn mati i meant..)..make it possible if it is for my better...Amiiiinnnnn....
n would really painful to leave all of my friends after this. ummm..i really love my friends here.very2 much!!~ <'s my best memory ever. i hope for the best to all of u.wherever u guys r.we'll still be in one be specific..D-4-3...n TST 8 family :) my 'family' of D-4-3..Jannah, Asma, Zimi, Ayue, Farah n u'oll soooo much! hehe <3..
n TST8s..iI'll miss u guys so much..Ida, Ama, Ina, Sya'ak, Syerah, Aten, 'Amirah, Emy, Biela, Ummi, Izzah, Hanis, Kienah, Zahid, Farah, n Zafirah~n for d boys also..Bor, Dely, Muz, Muaz, Afifi n Hasieb.. only Allah know wht I think about all of u.hehe.
till then, tata~~....*forgot>.<..
Assalamualaikum! :)