Thursday, 26 May 2011

BroKen HeaRt


::i broke your heart.u broke my heart.for our own good::

p/s:live a lively life at puncak alam..:)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Any Chance?

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence, he is just using his memory.

To repeat what others have said requires education; to challenge it requires brains.

A person usually has two reasons for doing something: a good reason and the real reason.

Trust yourself.  You know more than you think you do.


Monday, 25 April 2011

Sunday, 10 April 2011


as I we all know, final's next week.really.really3~~....huh-.-''..feels like crying, but my eyes' dry.cannot cry at all..LOL..XD..
But still, I'll do my best.very all my 'kemalasan'..please,,please la, go away!syuhhhhhh3!!~..>.<..i want to gain's impossible(as the math tchr said 2 me--->about maths of course) but i want to make it possible.really2 want to. O Allah, I pray for Your help. Your guidance.please.its btween my life and death(hdup dn mati i meant..)..make it possible if it is for my better...Amiiiinnnnn....
n would really painful to leave all of my friends after this. ummm..i really love my friends here.very2 much!!~ <'s my best memory ever. i hope for the best to all of u.wherever u guys r.we'll still be in one be specific..D-4-3...n TST 8 family :) my 'family' of D-4-3..Jannah, Asma, Zimi, Ayue, Farah n u'oll soooo much! hehe <3..
n TST8s..iI'll miss u guys so much..Ida, Ama, Ina, Sya'ak, Syerah, Aten, 'Amirah, Emy, Biela, Ummi, Izzah, Hanis, Kienah, Zahid, Farah, n Zafirah~n for d boys also..Bor, Dely, Muz, Muaz, Afifi n Hasieb.. only Allah know wht I think about all of u.hehe.
till then, tata~~....*forgot>.<..
Assalamualaikum! :)

Friday, 25 March 2011

the day that i was born

yesterday(25/3), i just celebrated my 19th birthday anniversary..well..i did came late to lecture.just before my lecturer is shocking when my group sing a birthday song for really heal my heart.but at the same time, tear my other part of heart.a lot.but still..thnx a lot u so much.i also did celebrate my birthday at night.with secret recipe's cake...(yummy! :3) n i really2..stuffed.haha! seriously.i think i can gain 5 kg instantly.and also, i received a lot of gifts from my family members.a laptop nice!~)..a lamp..(with waxy substance in it..i like it's bubblesXD)..n last but not least..a plushy!!:3..a cute green rabbit.really cute.sooooooooo cute!XDthis time, i'll try not to let anyone touch it.haha!(can i?)..hehe..

But still...
People supposed to be happy during their birthday right? but not for me.i feel...empty.nothing special.i birthday is my worst mood day.
i dont know why.but 1 thing tht i think makes me like past.everytime when this day came, its like..a deja vu.i remembered wht happened last time.eventhough i didnt want to.c'mon la! just go forward!!=.=''

well,now i think i cant smile really hurts when i feelings get mixed.i dont know whts wrong or right.i dont know when can i overcome all of this.i cannot blame tht person.its not because of just me.just heart trembled when i'm near it because he's like the person?or is it really because of him himself? now i really am confused with myself.i need someone.anyone to accompany me.always.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


So, wht's aching? well..even i dunno wht me list up wht's aching on me:
  1. stomachache..(its hurting..really>.<)
  2. headache..(i really should've slept early..dummer)
  3. backache? (the floor is soooo.....cold comfortable
  4. lastly..heartache.a.k.a sakit hati@hati trluka@..etc.
yg last skali tu..ssh nk dercribe.mybe spe2 yg thu blh trgkn :)

video 4 u'oolz..

xprlu nk tmbh 'ewww' la ek..nsihat utk ak jgk..:)

Firstly, nk ckp...assalamualaikum..n 


I'm still new in this blogging addict life..(mcm la slalu sgt still, i'll try my best to keep this blog filled with wht i wanna fill..
p/s:actly..nk tulis ap ek dlm blog nih?kalau2 tr'post bnde2 yg private xpatut, jgn sgn utk tgur ye..:D
